The Worldwide Authority on Hernia Surgery
Advancing the Science and Treatment of Hernia
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Visiting Observership Grants
The American Hernia Society is pleased to announce the Visiting Observership Grant! This opportunity is designated for international members to travel to the United States and observe surgical procedures from leading experts in the field of abdominal wall surgery. The purpose of this funding program is to build surgical capacity in other countries by sharing expertise so learnings can be leveraged abroad. Each grant is worth a maximum of $5,000 and will offset costs to visit one to two sponsoring centers for a two-four week period.
Applicants must be a member in good standing of AHS and your National Chapter. It is also required to be proficient in English and have a valid passport and/or visa to enter the United States. Additionally, the recipients will be required to present their experience at the American Hernia Society Annual Meeting in September 2025.
Application Checklist
Contact information
Personal statement regarding your educational background, current clinical and academic work, experience training medical students/residents/fellows, and how this award will impact in your career (250 words or less)
Describe surgical procedures you would like to observe
Select up to three sponsoring centers you would like to visit
Letter of support from hospital authority (upload 1 page pdf)
Budget justification (upload 1 page pdf)