Research Grants
The American Hernia Society is pleased to offer three funding opportunities
to promote research in the field of hernia surgery!
AHS Early Career Development Grant
Purpose: To attract promising and skilled surgeons early in their careers to give them the opportunity to establish themselves in areas that reflect hernia research
Eligibility: Open to Junior Faculty (less than 5 years post-training)
AHS Basic Science Hernia Research
Purpose: To highlight the importance of science for the future of hernia surgery and to stimulate awareness of surgeon scientist careers.
Eligibility: Open to surgeons, out of training, with a minimum of 20% protected time verified by department chair to conduct said research
AHS Disparities in Hernia Care Grant
Purpose: To advance research in health disparities research in hernia surgery and to improve outcomes for minority health populations.
Eligibility: Open to surgeons, out of training
The application will open in December and the deadline for submission will be April 30, 2025.
Application Components
Each application will require the following materials:
Brief Personal Statement (350 words or less)
NIH Biosketch
Research Proposal (Format: 3 pages maximum with figures embedded; excluding references, minimum 11 point Arial font with 0.5 inch margins; exceptions for figure legends which must be reasonably legible)
Project narrative (NIH Format, limit 3 sentences)
Background information & Preliminary Data (embedded figures and tables – limit 5)
Specific aims
Methods and design
Budget Justification (1 page. Note - funds must only be used for direct costs, pdf file)
Literature Cited (pdf file)
Appropriate Institutional Approvals (i.e. IRB, IACUC, pdf file)
2 Letters of Support (1 must be from department chair, pdf files)